Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Black & White Thing Called Life!

This, I'm writing oblivious of the future and how things are gonna be. We've heard the saying, "The meaning of Life is Life itself". Struck by the bitter truth of Life, I began to ponder why the attachment to fellow humans when we know nothing lasts forever. This post is provoked by My Mother's tears. She cried missing her Parents, who're no more. Her words, "Until the Mother is alive, she keeps all the children together. After her time, not always the siblings stay together. They go their separate ways". I asked, "Are you missing them?". She nodded, "Yes". I let her find comfort in my hug. Tried to console her saying we can cry over it, sadly. that's all we can do. Let it all out and continue doing our work. Told her, Father and I will be there for her, yet not forever. Life teaches many things, but this part of feeling absence of someone close to our heart, is sheerly overwhelming and there's no easy way around it. Many things can be taken in a sporting stride, but the absence of our loved ones. You can live your life and be caught up with your own Jazz. Still, the S.O.A.B emotion will track and hunt you down like a merciless beast. One often succumbs to "that" feeling when they're either alone or with their loved ones. Paradoxical, isn't it? We miss, We cry for a loved one, finding a feeling of "My own" on a special person's arms. Life is a lot many thing, every situation relates to the Life as whole. Life acts as an Inanimate object wearing a Poker-face. You can think whatever you want, eventually you realize you've been having an opinion, that's all. What we think never mattered to Life. Living by our own rules would at least be a small mercy on ourselves. There's nothing we can do to 'undo" things. The cycle of Life is an inevitable one and thoughts otherwise is futile. It's against the law of nature. This is one of the many things you can't expect to have a solution for. You live your life to the fullest and forget the rest. Acceptance is the only way to embrace the bitter truth in Life. I wrote this to remind me in Future that I once had this pragmatic thought. This would snap me back to reality.


  1. Acceptance is the only way to embrace the bitter truth in Life--I am glad I realised this quite young! :)
