Friday, November 4, 2011

Social Network D(eb)ating!

The following write is based on my observation and wasn't intended to hurt the sentiments of any Person, Animal or Thing. If he/she feels that this post is directed to them, then you know where you stand. :P

This is just a random musing about people who're a part of Social Networking.

According to Statistics(my own!), People who join any Social Networking website are,

(a) Single and Fishing
(b) Comitted and appear to be content but don't mind Fishing.
(c) for Fraandsheeep and wannabe lovers who're looking out for a hook up and end up adding all fake people.
(d) Committed but want to show everyone that they are at the same time don't mind dating someone 'better' than the current one.
(e) Jobless and may/may not be looking out for a relation.
(f) Addicted and don't mind getting into a relation
(g) Social Media Marketing/Promotion and don't give a damn about relation/ They do and already are getting a lot of action.
(e) Play games like Cityville, Farmville, Bournville(Oops, that's a chocolate! Sorry) so on and so forth. These are the types who've come right out of Twilight like Fictitious book and are looking out for a 100+ year old teenage vampire who glitters or something like that.

P.S. - Sorry if I left out on any further classification, these are the ones that came to mind now. :P

Out of all the specimen mentioned above, one thing common is evident, Fishing. These people merely use Social Networking as a medium for Dating, once they catch a fish a.k.a get 'committed' they'll disappear from Online world, some act differently by posting Lovelorn pictures with their partners and status messages.

This act of what they call it "Falling in Love" is tentative until the relationship they're in is jeopardized for a reason mainly being 'Getting Cheated On/ Dumped'. Once that happens, you can catch them online again, posting all Emo photos and sharing all Emo thoughts and broken heart pics until they find another chic and the cycle continues until '?'

Corollary 1 to the above observation, I've noticed some of them have a string of relationships who say, 'This is my True Love' every time they get into a relation. *Slut Slut* I want to have fun and not think about the future. *That's what is been on your mind all along* *Seriously?*

Corollary 2, They're all the same, I'd rather not fall for anyone and will wait for the special someone.

I'm pretty much Single and Fishing, haven't found the Right Fish, yet! :P

I'd prefer to act as Charles Darwin of the Online Dating thing, even I don't know what it'll lead to ;)